Thursday 30 August 2012


I've always lived rather far away from my family. I'm British, so is my entire family. I've never lived in England, or Europe, no I was born in Hong Kong. I've been in Australia since the age of seven. I still don't quite understand the full story of how my Sri Lanka born, yet somehow still of British nationality, mother and English father managed to meet in Hong Kong but go figure. I've never missed the fact that my entire extended family lives dotted around the world. It hasn't ever been an issue, or even a talking point. That was until we had a family reunion of sorts. We all brought ourselves together for Christmas. Flew from wherever the rest of the family happened to be around the world and met at my aunt's for Christmas, in Dubai. Yes, Christmas in an Islamic country, yet again, go figure.

The saying of " you don't know what your missing until you've tried it" comes to mind when I think of family now. Never have I found myself among such like-minded people. The whole nature vs nurture argument comes to mind when I try to describe it. Perhaps its genetic, perhaps we were all just raised similarly, regardless it was the most enjoyable Christmas I've ever had ( which is big call because my family loves christmas more than Mr Cringle himself). I found myself talking to cousins who I haven't seen in 13 years like it was only yesterday that we'd last spoken. A strange and joyous experience.

Now we are back in Australia. My small sector of the Hilton family is back being segregated from the rest. I'm starting to see now why Mum feels so detached. Family is important, regardless of how well you can function without them, regardless of how you get on with them they are always there for you, hopefully at least. I don't necessarily think home is where family is. Home is where I am happy. If that happens to be where family is then so be it.

The point of this post is that although I was completely fine and happy without family around. It was that much more special finally getting to know them, and now that life is back the way it was, life is completely different.

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