Thursday 30 August 2012

Election Times

The UQ Union election has finally ended. Well at least the tumultuous and interesting parts have. Right now its down to the voting booths where we can all feel like either spectators or Fresh supporters and not much else. Unless your one of the protesters of course, but so far that seems neither effective nor fun.

Before I start to paint my picture of the situation I need to make it clear that politically I'm a step below a fence sitter. I'm one of those guys who just wants things to continue how they are. Following an election for me isn't picking a side, its spectating as two teams who I really care nothing for go at it and attempt to break each other. Its riveting.

How I see it:
I'm not going to name anybody here, partly because I can't quite recall who exactly did what and partly because there is far to much tension and dissent around for me to go pointing fingers. I personally have no problem with the current state of play in the election. That is Fresh has dominated the election through some careful manoeuvring of by-laws and some rather impressive politics from their president. All of which I can merely speculate upon and have no real expertise in.

From where I stand, and what I've heard, from my extremely biased friends, Fresh hasn't actually broken any laws or the student constitution. From what I personally see, I cannot imagine the current president of Fresh making such an audacious move as to prohibit the other candidates from running for UQ Union without completely covering himself. From the various tribunals and third party investigations and their lack of  incriminating evidence, it appears that in this observation I am correct.

Ethically, I think it is wrong. Simple as that. In the sense of fair play all the possible candidates should have had a fair run. Without smear campaigns and on friendly terms. If only the world were so perfect. That was never going to happen. Ethics and politics are two very different things. I cannot endorse the actions of Fresh but I can commend them for being extremely good at what counts in this situation, winning. Another, often overlooked point is that the opposing candidates are just as cut throat as Fresh has been. There was always going to be ethical foul play, it just so happens that Fresh managed to get there first.

It may have been harsh, it may have caused an uproar, but it worked. As far as I'm concerned, well played by them.

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