Thursday 30 August 2012

Blogging and Me

 So I'm extremely new to blogging. I have good reason for that, I'll be honest I have a bad opinion of blogging in general. In the past the blogs that I have read consist of a collection of seemingly useless and random musings from random people. Theres a reason that I procrastinated so heavily with even creating this blog; I didn't want to be a part of the blogger group.

Hindsight is a powerful thing. I realise that what I write is just as random, disconnected, and seemingly unimportant as any other blog one could find on the internet but somehow I still find myself enjoying doing it. Its a good way to vent, a way to put my thoughts out on the internet with a total disregard for who reads it and who cares what I have to say.

Blogging seems to be an introspective activity. Its an interesting way for me to consolidate and work out my actual opinions on matters. So far, its been a bit of an experience.

On another ,slightly less introverted, note blogging is surprisingly difficult. Simply writing thoughts and opinions doesn't actually make such an interesting read. I think I need more to keep my hopefully existent readers entertained.

Anyhow, there are improvements to be made, but so far I think I could get used to writing a blog. It is a strange and enjoyable experience to have near free rein on what and how I can write. Exactly why this post came about.

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