Thursday 8 November 2012

Missed celebrations

Halloween was great this year, so I'm told. Yet another cultural event that I was completely oblivious to. Such is the nature of living at college.

I've spent my year so overwhelmed with college oriented social events that I feel as if I have been encapsulated in a social bubble of almost haughty exclusion. Real world events come and go without the slightest notice. I was out at a bar with my brother when I asked him " Jake, why the hell is there a witch standing over there". Naturally he called me an idiot and then informed me that it was Halloween.

Realisation number one. This year was the first Halloween I haven't made the effort to acknowledge in some way. Second realisation is that Halloween aside, I was paying far too little attention to current events. Prior to enrolling in the subject I barely read the news. I thank JOUR1111 for giving me an incentive to halt my time as an uneducated dolt in regard to current affairs.

Missing Halloween was something of a eye opener for me. I realised that if I am to continue living in the introverted society that is a university college then I will need to make a conscious effort to remain current. Once this subject is concluded at the end of this semester I think I shall continue to practice what it has preached. At the very least a daily reading of a few news sites should keep me somewhat connected.

Anyone would think Halloween is an unmissable occasion.

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